Eco Lifestyle Home Newsletter April 2015
Eco Lifestyle Home Newsletter April 2015
Dear Friends, Clients, Business Associates and Neighbors,
In this 17th edition of Eco Lifestyle and Home News, we offer Real Estate & Lifestyle news in 23 pages of content where our contributors address the current monthly theme of “Abundance”, as relates to all areas of our life.
In this edition we offer:
- Events Around New Mexico
- Take a Hike: Baldy
- Feng Shui for Real Life
- April Numerology
- Creating Clarity: Abundance
- Your Inner Rock Star Coach
- Pamela Cornish, DOM
- Attracting Perfect Customers
- Mortgage News with Francis Phillips
- Special Offers to Our Readers: 10% Discount at Lowe’s Home Improvement
- Shared Dreams Design
- Special Offers: Fragrance and Light
- Real Estate Market Report
- Albuquerque Real Estate Listings
- Santa Fe Real Estate Listings
- Mobile Real Estate Search App: Free for Smart Phones & Tablets
- Taos Ski Valley Real Estate News
- Dog Treat Recipe of the Month: Standard poodle & service dog, Aeowyn, shares her Carrot Peanut Butter Banana & Apple Dog Treat Recipe
- Free Reports: How Sellers Price Their Homes, How To Sell Your House For The Most Money In The Shortest Possible Time, and more…
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April Theme Editorial: Abundance

The abundance mentality flows out of a deep, inner sense of personal worth and inner security. The feeling is not about outward abundance, instead there is inner abundance! People with this mentality are generally positive, appreciative, and creative. Being more optimistic, they tend to focus on possibilities, alternatives and group accomplishments. This can be seen in the character of influential leaders, great teachers, and inspirational humanitarians.
Another element of abundance, possibly the most important element, is a sense of gratitude. Without gratitude for what you have who you are and where you are, you will end up blocking yourself once again from the natural flow of abundance. There is energy in the universe, one that shows us the natural flow in life. Your mind and heart need to be in harmony with that energy to truly enjoy abundance in your life.
Gratitude is necessary to keep your mind aligned with the thought that the supply of abundance is unlimited. It’s very easy to slip into the mindset of scarcity, fear or lack, rather than abundance; so it is essential to endeavor to prevent it from happening. The moment you feel yourself slipping back into the abundance mindset, say thank you out loud, for all that you have received and all that you are yet to receive.
The Law of Attraction can be summarized by the age-old belief that you draw to your life what you put out. In other words, your external circumstances, such as your abundance (or lack thereof), are reflective of your internal state – your thoughts, ambitions, and beliefs.
The keys to leading a successful, productive and meaningful life are:
- Abundance mentality
- Attitude of gratitude
- Prosperous choices
- Productive habits
- Commitment and action
A key component of finding abundance is learning to accept your current circumstances, weaknesses and failures. This may sound like a negative thought, but it’s actually the complete opposite.
When you learn to accept your current situation, you will also learn that you can change your mental state and situation over time. Try not to limit what you can do, but understand that sometimes your growth process will go slower than you intended.
~ Dianne McKenzie
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Eco Lifestyle and Home News comes to you in its seventeenth edition of our Newsletter. The creators of this newsletter are Dianne McKenzie & Cecilie Bodman, real estate associate brokers for Equity New Mexico. We decided to produce a conscious newsletter that has information about some real estate but more about living, playing & working. We also wanted to include our professional friends’ expertise as it relates to home, health, well-being, & lifestyle.
Please introduce us to your friends and family for their real estate needs, whether they are considering buying a home or thinking about getting their home sold this year. Many thanks.
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Thank you for reading our newsletter.
– Dianne McKenzie & Aeowyn, Cecilie Bodman & our content contributors