Eco Lifestyle Home Newsletter May 2015
Eco Lifestyle Home Newsletter May 2015
Dear Friends, Clients, Business Associates and Neighbors,
In this 18th edition of Eco Lifestyle and Home News, we offer Real Estate & Lifestyle news in 26 pages of content where our contributors address the current monthly theme of “Challenge”, as relates to all areas of our life.
In this edition we offer:
- Events Around New Mexico
- Take a Hike: Tres Pistolas
- Feng Shui for Real Life
- May Numerology
- Creating Clarity: Challenge
- Your Inner Rock Star Coach
- Pamela Cornish, DOM
- Attracting Perfect Customers
- Mortgage News with Francis Phillips
- Special Offers to Our Readers: 10% Discount at Lowe’s Home Improvement
- Shared Dreams Design
- Special Offers: Fragrance and Light
- Real Estate Market Report
- Albuquerque Real Estate Listings
- Santa Fe Real Estate Listings
- Mobile Real Estate Search App: Free for Smart Phones & Tablets
- Taos Ski Valley Real Estate News
- Dog Treat Recipe of the Month: Standard poodle & service dog, Aeowyn, shares her Pumpkin Zucchini Peanut Butter Dog Treat Recipe
- Free Reports: How Sellers Price Their Homes, How To Sell Your House For The Most Money In The Shortest Possible Time, and more…
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May Theme Editorial: Challenge

“Know that wherever you are in your life right now is both temporary, and exactly where you are supposed to be. You have arrived at this moment to learn what you must learn, so you can become the person you need to be to create the life you truly want. Even when life is difficult or challenging—especially when life is difficult and challenging—the present is always an opportunity for us to learn, grow, and become better than we’ve ever been before. You are in the process of writing your life story, and no good story is without a hero or heroine overcoming their fair share of challenges. In fact, the bigger the challenges, the better the story. Since there are no restrictions and no limits to where you story goes from here, what do you want the next page to say?” ~ Hal Elrod
“In the midst of winter, I found there was, within me, an invincible summer. …no matter how hard the world pushes against me, within me, there’s something stronger – something better, pushing right back.” ~ Albert Camus
“Challenges are what make life interesting; overcoming them is what makes life meaningful.” ~ Joshua J. Marine
“Whatever your fate is, whatever the hell happens, you say, “This is what I need.” It may look like a wreck, but go at it as though it were an opportunity, a challenge. If you bring love to that moment—not discouragement—you will find the strength there. Any disaster you can survive is an improvement in your character, your stature, and your life. What a privilege!! This is when the spontaneity of your own nature will have a chance to flow. Then, when looking back at your life, you will see that the moments which seemed to be great failures, followed by wreckage, were the incidents that shaped the life you have now. You’ll see this is really true. Nothing can happen to you that is not positive. Even though it looks and feels at the moment like a negative crisis, it is not. The crisis throws you back, and when you are required to exhibit strength, it comes. ~ Joseph Campbell
“We are all faced with challenges at some point in our life, challenges that we did not create. Challenges that happened beyond our control. The difference is how we respond to these challenges. You can adopt the attitude there is nothing you can do, or you can see the challenge as your call to action.” ~ Catherine Pulsifer
“The true measure of a man is not how he behaves in moments of comfort and convenience but how he stands at times of controversy and challenges.” ~ Martin Luther King Jr.
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Eco Lifestyle and Home News comes to you in its eighteenth edition of our Newsletter. The creators of this newsletter are Dianne McKenzie & Cecilie Bodman, real estate associate brokers for Equity New Mexico. We decided to produce a conscious newsletter that has information about some real estate but more about living, playing & working. We also wanted to include our professional friends’ expertise as it relates to home, health, well-being, & lifestyle.
Please introduce us to your friends and family for their real estate needs, whether they are considering buying a home or thinking about getting their home sold this year. Many thanks.
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Thank you for reading our newsletter.
– Dianne McKenzie & Aeowyn, Cecilie Bodman & our content contributors